Friday, April 20, 2012

Kony 2012

So, my daughter came home several weeks ago, with a Kony 2012 bracelet she bought at school, after an assembly.  She told me about Joseph Kony, the rebel soldier in Africa, who abducts children in the night.  She told me about a youtube video and asked me to watch it.  Because I ran out of time, I never finished the video. Until today, after a student showed up at school, wearing a Kony 2012 t-shirt, and reminded me that knowing who Kony is, is very important.  So, I came home and watched the video, beginning to end.

It is truly, one of the saddest stories I have ever heard.  And sadder even, than my saddest moments.

We all have causes that are important to us.  Pets, Whales, Cancer advocacy, Orphans, the Hungry, the Poor.

I have given to several organizations throughout my life.  Not very much money, and not for very long, but enough to believe I was trying to help.  I have sent money to a hospital in Jerusalem to sponsor a young girl recovering from an accident, I have sent sent monthly care packages to an entire family in the mid-West, so poor they could barely afford food, let alone clothes, and Christmas presents, and the like.  And, I have sponsored a child in Central America.  Again, never with too much money and never for very long.  Because I, too, have financial difficulty and can't always do all I wish I could, to help others.

It has been a very long time, since I have attempted to even think about financially supporting another cause, but I think this one is important enough to try.  You see, this one is for the children, who are also the poor, and the orphaned, and also, the tormented.  If you watch the video, you will understand.

Because I am computer illiterate, I will give you the address, but if that doesn't work, I can only say - go to youtube and type in Kony 2012.  Look for the picture of the earth.  And, watch it.  It's about 1/2 hour.

Now, there are some clips that have titles to cast doubt, and I will acknowledge now, that I haven't watched those.  Obviously, if you want to, you should.  But, watch the Kony 2012 video, anyway.

Tonight (the 20th), the people behind this movement will be out in force, "spreading their word" and we are supposed to wake up to....well, their message.  I believe posters, and placards, and such.

It should be interesting.  And hopefully, helpful.

Let me know if you wake up to a message in your area.

*****So, on Sunday 4/22/12, I must admit that I haven't seen anything Kony related in my area.  I'm kind of disappointed.

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